Hypothetical and far out questions are what create great physicists and allow for us to discover and test things that have never been thought of before. Even as kids, we let our minds wander and ask questions that we never knew could be proved or disproved by physics. One question that I, as a young questioning child, and many other highly regarded physicists ask is simple; what would happen if every single person got together and jumped at once?
This situation is completely unlikely to ever happen, so the only way we could ever know what would happen is through physics.
Okay, so lets set the scene. Everyone, all 7 billion people, could fit into an area the size of Rhode Island, so lets assume that everyone did travel to the smallest state in the US.
This situation is completely unlikely to ever happen, so the only way we could ever know what would happen is through physics.
Okay, so lets set the scene. Everyone, all 7 billion people, could fit into an area the size of Rhode Island, so lets assume that everyone did travel to the smallest state in the US.
Next, after a split second in the air, everyone lands. Technically, this delivers a lot of energy into the Earth, but it’s spread out over a large enough area that it doesn’t do much. The only remaining affect is the sound of 7 billion pairs of feet hitting the ground; there is a loud, drawn out sound that lasts many seconds.
Eventually, people will start taking out their phones. In a matter of second, cell carriers would crash due to the overwhelming activity in a condensed area. With no means of communication, the initiation of chaos takes place. Eventually, people will want to start going home. In less than an hour, the biggest traffic jam in history will take place; completely making I-96, I-195, and I-295 useless. T. F. Green airport in Warwick, Rhode Island , assuming they got things organized and sent scouts for more fuel regularly, they, along with nearby airports and cargo ships, could run at 500% capacity for years without making a dent in the crowd.
With no way out of Rhode Island, no food, resources, and machinery (considering there will be no one in the world to operate anything), RI becomes a epicenter of extreme violence, chaos, and rapid spreading sickness. In a matter of weeks, Rhode Island will become a massive graveyard.
So therefore, if everyone in the world got together in Rhode Island and jumped at the same time, there will be no change to the earth whatsoever, considering it will take an immensely larger amount of force to even move the Earth a few atoms width. What will occur, is absolute pandemonium and national devastation to all 7 billion inhabitants in an area of a few hundred miles. At least we now know.
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